NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 2 Solved Question Paper 2013 June

NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 2 Solved Question Paper 2013 June: To score better marks in the NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies, you should have depth knowledge of the entire subject.

You can boost your preparation by referring to NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Question Paper 2 2013 June. It will give you information about the important chapters and concepts covered in all chapters.

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NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 2 Solved Question Paper 2013 June

NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Solved Question Papers are the best study materials to score good marks in the Arab Culture and Islamic Studies exam.

Practicing these NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies previous year question papers assist the students in getting a clear idea about the question paper pattern and types of questions asked in the exam.

You can check the complete NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 2 Solved Question Paper 2013 June.

1. The term Jāhiliyah stands for

(A) Times of ignorance

(B) Computer age

(C) Healthy times

(D) Rainy season

Answer: (A)


2. The inter-tribal hostilities in pre- Islamic Arabia were called

(A) Wafudul Arab

(B) Ayyam al-Arab

(C) Basus War

(D) Legends

Answer: (B)


3. Al-Rub al-Khali is the name of

(A) An ocean

(B) A river

(C) A capital

(D) A desert

Answer: (D)


4. The Annual Fair of Ukaz in pre- Islamic Arabia was held at

(A) Mecca

(B) Madina

(C) Riyad

(D) Taif

Answer: (D)


5. Prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina in the year

(A) 632 A.D.

(B) 656 A.D.

(C) 622 A.D.

(D) 611 A.D.

Answer: (C)


6. The concept of Muakhāt was introduced by Prophet Muhammad at

(A) Mecca

(B) Madina

(C) Taif

(D) Yemen

Answer: (B)


7. Fathe-Mubeen refers to

(A) Badr

(B) Uhud

(C) Tabuk

(D) Sulh-i Hudaybiyah

Answer: (D)


8. The Battle of Basus was fought between

(A) Quraish and Ansar

(B) Banu Bahila and Taghlib

(C) Banu Bakr and Banu Taghlib

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)


9. The Saba‘ Muallaqats were hung over the walls of

(A) The shrine of Adam

(B) K‘aba

(C) The Shrine of Ibrahim

(D) The Shrine of Ismail

Answer: (B)


10. The famous pre-Islamic poet was

(A) Jarir

(B) Nabighah Dhubyani

(C) Farazda

(D) Abu Nuwas

Answer: (B)

11. The title of ‘Saifullah’ was given to

(A) Al-Muthawna bin Haritha

(B) Rafi bin Umayr

(C) Abu Ubaid ah

(D) Khalid bin Walid

Answer: (D)


12. Tawhid means

(A) Polytheism

(B) Monotheism

(C) Atheism

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)


13. Muawiyah conquered Cyprus in the year

(A) 649 A.D.

(B) 670 A.D.

(C) 690 A.D.

(D) 636 A.D.

Answer: (A)


14. Arrange the following books in order in which these were written, using the code given below:

(i) Hujjat-ullah al-Balighah

(ii) Bayan al-Quran

(iii) Tafsir al-Quran

(iv) Tahafat al-Falasifah


(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(B) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

(C) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

(D) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)

Answer: (D)


15. The period of Hazrat Ali’s caliphate is from

(A) 634 – 636

(B) 632 – 634

(C) 634 – 644

(D) 656 – 661

Answer: (D)


16. The Institution of Baytal-Māl was established by

(A) Hazrat Umar

(B) Umar bin Abdul Aziz

(C) Amir Muawiyah

(D) Al-Mamun

Answer: (A)


17. Hajjaj bin Yusuf was the Governor of

(A) Mecca

(B) Dahran

(C) Iraq

(D) Yemen

Answer: (C)


18. Siddhanta was translated into Arabic by

(A) Al-Mahdi

(B) Muhammad bin Ibrahim al- Fazari

(C) Ibn al-Muqaffa

(D) Hunayn bin Ishaq

Answer: (B)


19. Arrange the following rulers in chronological order using the code given below:

(i) Nuh bin Nasr

(ii) Abbas Azam

(iii) Mehmud Ghaznavi

(iv) Alp Arsalan


(A) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)

(B) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)

(C) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

Answer: (A)


20. The audit or accounts office during the Abbasid period was known as

(A) Diwan al Kharaj

(B) Diwan al Zimam

(C) Diwan al-Nazir fi-al Mazalim

(D) Diwan al-Shurtah

Answer: (B)

21. The title of ‘al-shaykh al-Rais’ was given to

(A) Al-Razi

(B) Ibn Sina

(C) Al-Majusi

(D) Al-Mawardi

Answer: (B)


22. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(A) Muslim – Umar Brotherhood al-Mukhtar

(B) Tijaniyya – Syed Qutb Order

(C) Tablighi – Muhammad Jamat Ilyas

(D) Sanusiya – Sheikh Order Muhammad bin Ali

Answer: (B)


23. The title of Tafsir written by Muhammad bin Jarir al-Tabari is

(A) Ahkam al-Quran

(B) Jami al-Bayan

(C) Tafhim al-Quran

(D) Marif al-Quran

Answer: (B)


24. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

(A) Nahrwan – Khāwarij

(B) Kamal Ataturk– B‘ath Party

(C) Ikhwan al- – Jamal Abdul Muslimun Nasir

(D) Ubaidullah – Tahrik-e Sindhi Mujahideen

Answer: (A)


25. The concept of Asma al-Rijal was developed to

(A) Check the authenticity of the Quran

(B) Check the authenticity of Fiqh

(C) Scrutinize the narrators of Hadith

(D) Check the classification of Hadith

Answer: (C)


26. Kitab al-Hidayah was compiled by

(A) Imam Tahawi

(B) Imam Karkhi

(C) Allama Marghinani

(D) Imam Razi

Answer: (C)


27. Muwatta was compiled by

(A) Mālik bin Anas

(B) Imam Shafai

(C) Ahmad bin Hanbal

(D) Abu Hanifa

Answer: (A)


28. Sahifa i-Sādiqa, was compiled by

(A) Abdullah bin Zubair

(B) Abdullah bin Amr bin al-Ās

(C) Zamakhshari

(D) Wāthiq

Answer: (B)


29. Ijma means

(A) Reasoning

(B) Disagreement

(C) Consensus

(D) Consultation

Answer: (C)


30. The most flexible school of Islamic Law is

(A) The Maliki School

(B) The Zahiri School

(C) The Hanafi School

(D) The Hanbali School

Answer: (C)


31. The founder of the Mamluk dynasty was

(A) Baybars

(B) Shajar al-Durr

(C) Qalawun

(D) Al-Ashraf

Answer: (B)


32. The most distinguished scholar of the Ghaznavid period was

(A) Al-khwarizmi

(B) Al-Kindi

(C) Nāsir bin Ahmad

(D) Al-Biruni

Answer: (D)


33. Siyāsat Nama was composed by

(A) Al-Māwardi

(B) Al-Kindi

(C) Al-Fārābi

(D) Nizāmul-Mulk Tūsi

Answer: (D)


34. The Safavid dynasty was established in the year

(A) 1258 A.D.

(B) 1260 A.D.

(C) 1450 A.D.

(D) 1501 A.D.

Answer: (D)


35. The Revolution for the restoration of Constitution in Iran took place in the year

(A) 1909

(B) 1905

(C) 1900

(D) 1501

Answer: (B)


36. Ibn Rushd was the author of

(A) Tahāfut al-Falasifa

(B) Tahāfut al-Tahāfut

(C) Tarikh al-Rusul

(D) Al-Kitāb al Māliki

Answer: (B)


37. During the Fātimid period Dar-al-Hikmah was established by

(A) Baybars

(B) Al-Nāsir

(C) Al-Zāhir

(D) Al-Hākim

Answer: (D)


38. The Ottomon dynasty was established in the year

(A) 1924

(B) 1905

(C) 1299

(D) 1517

Answer: (C)


39. The Jānisāri forces were established by

(A) Murād I

(B) Murād II

(C) Sulaiman the Magnificent

(D) Salim

Answer: (A)


40. The twelve peaked crown was given to Ghizilbashi army by

(A) Hyder

(B) Junayd

(C) Salim

(D) Shaikh Saifuddin

Answer: (A)


41. Egypt was annexed by Ottomans during the rule of

(A) Sulaiman the magnificent

(B) Salim I

(C) Salim II

(D) Murad I

Answer: (B)


42. The famous hospital ‘Al-Māristān al- Mansuri’ at Cairo was established by

(A) Baybars

(B) Al-Nasir

(C) Qalawun

(D) Saifud-din Qutuz

Answer: (C)


43. The Theory of Irtifāqāt was propounded by

(A) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

(B) Sir Muhammad Iqbal

(C) Hasan al-Banna

(D) Shah Waliullah

Answer: (D)


44. The concept of ‘Pan-Islamism” was given by

(A) Jamalud-din Afghani

(B) Ibn Taimiyyah

(C) Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab

(D) Shah Waliullah

Answer: (A)


45. The movement of Ikhwan al-Muslimun was started by

(A) Syed Qutb

(B) Hasan al-Banna

(C) Abul-Ala Mawdudi

(D) Syed Ahmad Shahid

Answer: (B)


46. The Egyptian scholar who permitted the Muslims to wear the European dress was

(A) Jamal ud-din Afghani

(B) Hasan al-Banna

(C) Muhammad Abduh

(D) Yusuf al Qarzāwi

Answer: (C)


47. Which of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Ulugh Beg – Astronomy

(B) Umar Khayyam – Hadith

(C) Firdausi – Chemistry

(D) Abu Nasr Siraj – Geography

Answer: (A)


48. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

(A) Abu Bakr Khwarizmi – Mathematics

(B) Al-Kindi – Tafsir

(C) Ibn Nafis – Geography

(D) Al-Masudi – Philosophy

Answer: (A)


49. Which of the following pairs is notcorrectly matched?

(A) Jalalud-din Rumi – Poetry

(B) Abu Hamid Ghazali – Tassawuf

(C) Ibn Khaldun – Sociology

(D) Jabir bin Hayyan – History

Answer: (D)


50. Which of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Sultan Sanjar – Saljuqs

(B) Tahmasp – Safavids

(C) Sultan Muizz – Fatimids

(D) Sultan Muhammad – Timurids

Answer: (D)

Year Wise Solved UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 2 Previous Year Question Papers

Year Wise NTA UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Solved question Papers from June 2006 till today are given below.

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UGC NET Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 2 Solved Question Paper 2005 December
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